Project Start-Up & Conceptualization

Now we dive deeper into your initial start-up services.

  • Workforce Recruitment and Development Strategy:
    • Prioritize workforce recruitment as the foundational element for project success.
    • Develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy, emphasizing job profiling, sourcing channels, and initial candidate screening.
    • Include pre-training and on-the-job training programs to ensure that recruited staff is well-equipped for their roles.
    • We focus on retention strategies, promoting a sense of loyalty and responsibility among the workforce.
    • Implement upskilling initiatives to foster continuous growth and development within the team.
  • Feasibility Analysis:
    • Conduct a preliminary assessment of the proposed project to determine its financial viability.
    • Provide insights into potential challenges and opportunities, offering clients a realistic outlook.
  • Market Research and Analysis:
    • Perform market research to identify target demographics, competitive landscapes, and emerging trends.
    • Deliver a comprehensive report outlining market demands and potential positioning strategies.
  • Regulatory Compliance Check:
    • Assist in navigating regulatory requirements and compliance standards for the hospitality industry.
    • Provide guidance on licenses, permits, and other legal considerations.
  • Budget Planning Assistance:
    • Collaborate with clients to develop a realistic budget, considering construction, operations, and pre-opening costs.
    • Offer cost-saving strategies and recommend areas for optimization.
  • Conceptual Design Support:
    • Provide basic conceptual design services, including layout suggestions and initial theme development.
    • Offer visual aids such as sketches or basic renderings to help clients visualize the project.
  • Hotel Operator Search (Optional):
    • If desired, facilitate the search for hotel operators by leveraging industry connections.
    • Assist in negotiations and contractual agreements with potential operators.
  • We have found through our extensive trials and testing that these deliverables impact success the most, but we would encourage you to feel free to let us know if you have any customization requests. review and suggest any further adjustments. Once you're ready, we can proceed to the next point.